Reliability test
  • The sign of network access license is a quality mark attached to the domestic telecommunication equipment (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) that has obtained the network access license. It is uniformly printed and issued by the Ministry of information industry (now the Ministry of industry and information technology), which is one of the authentic certificates of mobile phones. The promulgation of several regulations on the approval of mobile communication system and terminal investment projects has opened the door for more enterprises to enter the mobile phone industry. However, some enterprises are concerned about whether obtaining the mobile phone license means obtaining the network access license, and then they can be listed for sale. Some manufacturers think that "the approval system of mobile phone license means that the threshold set by the national development and Reform Commission can

    To produce own brand mobile phones. After this pass, the Ministry of information industry will generally issue access licenses. "Another view is that the Ministry of information industry still has the power of life and death. It seems that the access license is still the key to the listing of mobile phones. In fact, mobile phone license is an industrial policy, not a technical requirement of access license. Under the approval system, mobile phone license is the basic requirement of the state for entering the mobile phone industry. In order to carry out macro-control and ensure the normal and orderly development of the industry, it is impossible to produce mobile phones without crossing this threshold. However, getting a mobile phone license does not mean that you can certainly get a network access license. The reason why there is a permit system for telecommunication equipment to enter the network is that the telecommunication network is a huge public network. If one equipment fails, it may affect the operation of other equipment, thus affecting the operation of the whole network. Therefore, for a long time, the network access license system has been adopted for the telecommunication equipment that has been added to the public telecommunication network. These equipment need to pass the test and meet the relevant technical requirements before entering the network. On May 10, 2001, No. 11 order of the Ministry of information industry of the people's Republic of China issued the administrative measures for the access of telecommunication equipment to the network, which made clear provisions on the relevant issues of access permission. This means that all the telecommunication equipment entering the network must be tested, and the procedures and requirements are very clear. If the quality of the mobile phone does not meet the technical requirements for access to the network, it is possible to obtain a license for access to the network. Of course, as long as the quality of the mobile phones produced by these manufacturers is reliable, in line with the relevant provisions of the network access, and also tested to be qualified, it can be expected to obtain the network access license. We have been doing this work for several years and will carry out the work in accordance with the normal procedures in the future. The reporter of communication world weekly interviewed the relevant departments of the Ministry of information industry and confirmed that the Ministry of information industry will normally carry out the network access detection and license issuance business in accordance with relevant policies and order 11. No new policy will be made for the access of mobile phones. In this sense, the network access license is a technical issue, not a policy issue. As long as the products meet the technical requirements, the network access license may be obtained. However, it is necessary to point out that it is impossible for new mobile phone manufacturers to obtain network access licenses in a short period of time. Article 11 of order 11 stipulates that the radio communication equipment, equipment or new products that apply for network access licenses, which involve Internet Interconnection, shall be carried out on the China telecom network or the simulation experimental network designated by the Ministry of information industry Three months less test, and test report issued by the test unit. The Telecommunication Administration Bureau of the Ministry of information industry shall organize experts to review the overall technical scheme, test report, test report, etc. of the telecommunication equipment mentioned in the preceding paragraph. According to the review opinions of experts, if the review meets the requirements, a network access license shall be issued. This means that it will take at least half a year for a new batch of enterprises joining the mobile phone industry to obtain the network access license for listing and sales, and complete the license application, testing and evaluation. Folding application information

    1. Application form (two copies) 2. Power of attorney (two copies) 3. Business license of customer 4. ISO Certificate or company profile of customer and company capability description 5. Circuit diagram, instruction manual, block diagram and relevant test report (such as FCC ID) 6. Antenna peak gain and antenna pattern 7. Test direction 8 The company's business license (annual inspection can't be expired) 9. Three copies of color photos of EUT (all interfaces and sides must be included) 10. Comparison table of frequency channels (if there are many working channels to be provided, such as DSSS or FHSS working mode products) folding and editing this section to identify the true and false

    There are watermarks on the network access license, and the color of the surface is uneven, dark and light, thick and thin; while the fake ones are mostly copies, and the color of the surface is unchanged. If you can't see it, you can also use the money detector to take a photo of the network access license. There are real anti-counterfeiting patterns in it, while the fake patterns are unclear. The real network access license is usually printed with a pin printer, with clear numbers. Look carefully at the dents made by needles. The fake network access license is printed by a common printer, with unclear numbers and no dents. Generally speaking, it is difficult to fake the access license, after all, the equipment required for the forgery is relatively high in cost. In addition, you can check the authenticity of the network access license by online inquiry. Folding method introduction

    1. Enter the mobile phone write information interface; 2. Enter the information in the following format: 1. Query the network access license information: RW ා license number; 2. Query the authenticity of the network access license mark: RW # license number # scrambling code; 3. Query the authenticity of the mobile phone device: RW # license number # scrambling code # serial number of the mobile phone; note: A, "RW" is a fixed code, which can be used regardless of case; B, "#" is an interval character, which can be replaced by a space; C. The license number is line 1 on the access sign, such as "02-0010-994631", where "-" can