On June 20, 2013, ECHA officially released the 9th batch of SVHC candidate list substances on its website. The updated SVHC candidate list includes 151 substances.
Reach is regulation (EC) no 1907 / 2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals (reach), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, naming directive 1999 / 45 / EC and repeating Council Regulation (EEC) no 793 / 93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC,93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC ,2000/21/EC。
Reach is the abbreviation of the EU regulation registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals. It is a chemical regulatory system established by the EU and implemented on June 1, 2007.
This is a regulatory proposal concerning the production, trade and use safety of chemicals. The purpose of the regulation is to protect human health and environmental safety, maintain and improve the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry, as well as the innovative ability to develop non-toxic and harmless compounds, prevent market division, increase the transparency of chemical use, promote non animal experiments, and pursue social sustainable development. The reach Directive requires that all chemicals imported and produced in Europe must be registered, evaluated, authorized and restricted through a set of comprehensive procedures, so as to better and more simply identify the ingredients of chemicals to ensure environmental and human safety. The directive mainly includes registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction. Any product must have a registration file listing the chemical ingredients and how the manufacturer uses them, as well as a toxicity assessment report. All information will be fed into a database under construction, managed by the European Chemicals Agency, a new EU agency based in Helsinki, Finland. The agency will assess each file and may take more stringent measures if chemicals are found to have an impact on human health or the environment. Based on the assessment of several factors, chemicals may be banned or approved for use.
According to the introduction, unlike the RoHS directive, reach covers a much wider range. In fact, it will affect products and manufacturing processes in almost all industries, from mining industry to textile and garment, light industry, electromechanical industry, etc. Reach requires manufacturers to register about 30000 chemicals in each product - and to measure their potential harm to public health. Reach established the idea that society should not introduce new materials, products or technologies if their potential hazards are not known.
Mechanical and electrical products have always been one of the most important foreign trade in Ningbo. As a downstream user of the chemical industry, no mechanical and electrical enterprise trading with Europe can be exempt from the reach system.
Although the reach regulation is very complicated, for Chinese manufacturers or European importers, the most important thing is their requirements for substances of high concern (SVHC). Substances meeting the requirements of reach Article 57 are generally considered to be substances of high concern (SVHC). For such SVHC substance, the following conditions shall be met, and the notification shall be made according to the requirements of paragraph (2) of Article 7 of reach: the substance has been listed in the list of candidate substances that must be approved for use (Annex XIV);
The concentration of the substance in the article is more than 0.1% (weight ratio w / W);
The total amount of the substance in the articles manufactured or imported by each manufacturer or importer each year exceeds 1 ton;
The substance has not been registered for this purpose.
Once a substance is considered to meet the above conditions, it will be listed as SVHC substance, so the SVHC substance list will be continuously updated
Reach 15 tests / svhc15 substance test the first 15 SVHC substances were announced on October 28, 2008
Reach 30 tests / SVHC substance 30 tests the second batch of 30 SVHC substances was released on January 13, 2010 and revised on March 30
38 tests of reach / 38 tests of SVHC substances published on June 18, 2010
Reach 46 tests / SVHC 46 tests December 15, 2010 the fourth batch of 45 SVHC substances released
Reach 53 tests / SVHC 53 tests released on June 20, 2011, the fifth batch of 53 SVHC substances
Reach 73 tests / SVHC 73 tests December 19, 2011 the Sixth Batch of 73 SVHC substances released
Reach 84 tests / SVHC 84 tests June 18, 2012 the seventh batch of 84 SVHC substances published
Reach 138 tests / SVHC substances 138 tests the eighth batch of 138 SVHC substances published on December 19, 2012
Reach 144 tests / SVHC 144 tests published on June 20, 2013, the ninth batch 144 SVHC substances
Reach 151 tests / SVHC 151 tests published in the 10th batch of 151 SVHC substances on December 16, 2013
Reach 155 tests / SVHC substances 155 tests the 11th batch of 155 SVHC substances published on June 16, 2014.
Reach 161 tests / 161 tests of SVHC substances published on December 17, 2014.
Reach 163 tests / SVHC 163 tests published in the 13th batch of 163 SVHC substances on June 15, 2015.
Reach 168 tests / 168 tests of SVHC substances published on December 17, 2015.